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  • Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브 이미지 확대 보기
    • Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
    • Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브

    Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브

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    방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 광진구 천호대로 590 (동성빌딩) 303호 사운드기어
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    Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
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    Intellijel uFold II

    Add subtle extra harmonics, or dive headfirst into total folded madness! Intellijel µFold II is a wavefolder which shapes the timbre of an oscillator or any other audio signal you feed it. µFold II is an add-on module for use withModular.


    The Intellijel µFold II lets you manipulate the harmonic spectrum, going from just adding a few extra harmonics to total folded madness. It lets you create a vast range of timbres, but is still easy to use and well thought out.


    Very impressive! I was making quite complex patches with modules cross modulating each other and the results were very close to what I get on my real hardware.

    Danjel van Tijn, founder of Eurorack manufacturer Intellijel


    The original hardware was created by Intellijel in close collaboration with David Dixon. The designers looked very closely at how some of the most loved timbre shaping circuits worked in classic synth modules; not just in how they were implemented electronically but how they sounded and how efficient they were to get great sounds.


    In Short

    • Fold control with a CV input and dedicated attenuator
    • Thru-zero symmetry control with a bipolar CV input and dedicated attenuator
    • Stages switch to select 2, 4 or 6 stages of folding
    • Requires Modular


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    Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
    • Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브
    • Softube Intellijel uFold II - Softube Modular 유저용 소프튜브

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